• A result of 30 years of extensive medical experience, Clarity is an online practice management system designed for doctors by doctors.

Modules Offered

  • OPD
  • IPD
  • Radiology
  • Pathology
  • Inventory

Every patient who comes to hospital needs to be registered before going for any consultations, observations in the hospital. Registering a patient involves recording certain general or demographic information about him/her. A unique registration or UHID Number (Unique Health Identification Number) is generated and given to each patient after registration. This is a permanent ID number that is stored in the hospital record indefinitely and therefore helps in keeping systematic track of medical history & diagnosis of the patient.


  • OPD Registration - Unique ID (PIN number) to be generated for every patient who comes to OPD for consultancy.
  • Appointments Details - Deals with the patients coming via appointments. Automated SMS will be sent to the patients concerned.
  • Sample collection – Once the patient’s entry is done at the reception, his impact directly goes to the sample collection
  • References - Keeps a proper record of all the patients that come to the hospital via reference from outside consultants.
  • Empanelment Cycle - The separate record of ECHS patients are maintained for the services taken by them and the credit buckets can be mapped accordingly with the different empanelment companies.
  • Family Details - The record of family details of patients can also be entered in database.
  • Collection Details - The daily collection form the OPD/IPD can be viewed and observed by the management.
  • OPD Billing - The OPD billing involves the record of all the services being taken by the OPD patients.
  • ICD – 10 (International Coding for Diseases) - It includes the list of the internationally accepted and WHO issued ICD-10 disease codes.
  • Patient Visit History - A complete history of all the visits of patients are preserved and can be checked upon at any time.
  • Doctor Roster - The complete list of the schedules of various doctors are maintained to check the availability of those doctors at different time periods.
  • Doctor Desktop - The doctors can log into the systems with their ID’s and view the list of patients they need to attend that day or any of the relevant details that they need to specify.
  • Health Package Information and Processing - The patients can opt for various health packages also and same can be maintained and processed for any of the references.
  • Printing of reports - OPD register, user wise payments, investigation reports, Doctor Prescription, etc.

The in-patient module deals with the functions specific to In-patient Management. It directs the daily administrative activities and provides instantaneous access to other correlating modules resulting in healthy process flow & patient care. The module takes care of the complete cycle from when the patient is allotted a bed in the ward to when he is discharged. The complete treatment, diagnosis is recorded in the database during his/her stay in hospital.


  • IPD Registration – In case of Direct IPD entry the patient is issued a new UHID number, but in case he gets transferred from the OPD to the IPD his UHID number remains same but issued an IP number, same for revisit in IPD,, i.e. More than one visit in IPD
  • Inter department consultation – A proper record will be kept in case a patient receives consultation from different doctors simultaneously in the hospital depending upon his medical situation and the specialization of the doctors
  • On-line Requisition to Pharmacy – The requisition for any medicines required by IPD patients is sent directly by the IPD attendants to the pharmacy through the workstation rather than going personally to the pharmacy and ordering the prescribed medicines
  • Discharge summary – Gives us the summarized report at time of discharge about his medical condition, medical services availed, bed details, medical prescription details and follow-up instructions
  • On-line Case Sheet – The case sheet will have the complete details of the patient record staring from the patient admission till his discharge
  • Multiple visits of patients can also be tracked
  • Medical Certificates (like Death, Birth, Fitness, Pre Consent form etc
  • Integration with Billing & Pharmacy
  • Facilitates patient admission and assigns bed to patient
  • Maintains a chart indicating allocated / vacant beds in a hospital
  • Bed swapping & transfer supported
  • Online track of patient location in a hospital
  • Occupancy status – The complete patient occupancy status of room/wards
  • Patient case sheet - The case sheet will have the complete details of the patient record, starting from patient admission till discharge
  • Multiple visits of patients can also be tracked
  • Distinguishing between new IPD patient or some internally transferred/referred OPD patient
  • Resource Allocation - Nursing Staff Scheduling & allocation (General & Emergency)

The Radiology module takes care of various radiology services that need to be taken by patients. It involves creation of services, and their reporting, which can be preserved for lifetime to see the history of any patient. It also takes care of the pre-checklist to be filled for various tests to be performed like Ultrasound, MRI, CT etc. This module has the facility to tag different services under different companies that are running under one roof.


  • Templates for various services like X-Ray, CT, Ultrasound, MRI etc. are already inserted in the software
  • Users can add/edit templates as per their requirement
  • Radiology services reporting and their approval by final authority
  • Consent form required for services like Ultrasound, CT, and MRI etc
  • Standard format for ultrasound of females
  • Personalized Dashboards – Users can view various dashboards in graphical formats regarding the revenue and patient statistics
  • Personalized Favorites – Users can adjust their frequently used screens as per their own requirements and can link the shortcut keys to them
  • Services can be tagged with different companies so as to have a separate company-wise collection
  • Reports – Various reports are available in Graphical and Tabular formats like Reporting status, Radiology reporting, Consent forms, etc

The Pathology module provides integrated and detailed facilities for the creation, maintenance and record keeping of various tests, and history of patients required by healthcare providers for diagnostic purposes. It provides help to the lab department in their workflow management. It shows the status of the tests, samples, test results, report generation of the test results, etc. It also helps to view the entire clinical history of the patient.


  • Masters like Parameter, Service, Test Value, Template, Methods, Specimen, Machines, Package, Container, etc
  • Pathology can be managed by different companies
  • Sample collection – Once the patient’s entry is done at the reception, his impact directly goes to the sample collection
  • Here, a sample can be collected and allocated a unique sample number
  • Sample submission – We can submit the sample within the same branch or at a different branch by selecting the appropriate option
  • Sample Reception – Once the sample is submitted to a different branch, the same can be received by another branch for processing
  • Sample results – Values can be inserted manually or by interfacing the lab machines here
  • Results Approval – Once the sample results are produced, an approval is given by a specific higher authority
  • He/she has the rights to approve/disapprove the results
  • Results Reporting – Once the approval is done, the test report can be generated in which abnormal values will be highlighted
  • Personalized Dashboards – Users can view various dashboards in graphical formats regarding the revenue and patient statistics
  • Personalized Favorites – Users can adjust their frequently used screens as per their requirements and can link the shortcut keys to them
  • Reports – Various reports are available in Graphical and Tabular formats like sample traceability, number of samples collected/submitted/reported, etc
  • Maintains the lab stock – The stock of the lab equipment, chemicals, etc. is maintained

This module deals with the record keeping of the medicine stock and other consumables that are used by the hospital. This module integrates the purchase department with the requisition making units like beds/rooms/wards/ departments of the hospital. This module takes care of the readily available items stock so that the clinical work keeps going.


  • Masters like Store master, UOM Conversion, Category & Item master Item Master – A unique number will be generated whenever any of the items or medicines is created in master
  • Purchase order – The purchase order can be raised to any of the vendors whenever ordering for new material or items
  • Opening stock – The opening stock will give us a list of the opening stock of medicines and items whenever any of them is created in masters
  • Issues and receipt of stocks – This will give the complete details of the material that were being issued along with their respective receipt numbers
  • Material Requisition – The same is raised whenever there is any requirement for any of the medicines or other items by any of the departments
  • The requisition can be raised to main store or to sub stores also
  • Stock returns and destruction of expired items
  • Material Inspection – This will give us a list of all the material for which QC was done
  • It will have a separate record of accepted/rejected/replaced stock details
  • Material Receipt Note – Whenever goods enter the hospital, the Material Receipt note will be generated having the details of items with corresponding Challan/invoice numbers
  • Material Replacement Note – In case, any of the material is rejected by QC or is not in an acceptable condition then the same material can be sent back to the vendor by raising a unique material replacement note
  • Reorder Level – This will define the minimum actual level of an item that should always be available in the store
  • Stock Transfer – The stock transfer is performed for various items between different stores or sub stores
  • Sale Bill Return – In case, if any material that has already been sold comes back to the stores, then correspondingly this change can be updated in the current stock carrying the specifications that from which party/patient it is being returned
  • Batch Wise Monitoring – We can have a look at different medicines according to their batch wise status and accordingly can calculate which batches of particular medicines are about to expire
  • Provisions for FIFO (First In First Out), LIFO (Last In First Out) is also available
  • Reports like Item Opening, Stock Transfer, Live Stock, Issue Slip, Item Register, Batch Tracking, Material Inspection, Inspection Register, Purchase Order, and Material Issue etc.